Iphone Virtual tours

*** Update please see our Iphone – ipad virtual tour page, where we now provide mobile virtual tours for any device without the need for an app.

Virtual tours go mobile ! VR Web Design’s portfolio of 360 degree panoramas are now available to view and enjoy via the iphone. Using PangeaVR an innovative panoramic viewer, you can interactively spin around 360 panoramas using the iPhone’s touch interface!

Download the ‘PangeaVR‘ app on your Iphone then once open, click browse to view the PangeaVR database of portfolio’s – you’ll find us under ‘V’ for VR Web Design of course 😉 Click ‘open portfolio’ and you will get a list of some of our best 360 degree panoramas. Simply select a panorama and click ‘view panorama’.

[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”https://www.vrwebdesign.co.uk/iphone2.swf” width=”500″ height=”303″ targetclass=”flashmovie” wmode=”transparent” allowscriptaccess=”sameDomain”]News  get_flash_player


Let us know what you think ? We have some BIG news about Iphone app virtual tours coming very soon.

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